Hudson and I made our first gingerbread house together at my moms of preschoolers group on Monday, and we had so much fun. It was a total mess of course, but we were pretty happy with the final product. See what you think...
This is my final attempt at getting a cute Christmasy picture of the three of them. It's virtually impossible. I give up. This will have to do. :) I don't know why Hunter was screaming~ usually he loves getting his picture taken. I think there truly is some kind of pact the three of them have formed, that no matter how hard I try, they will never cooperate at the same time for a picture. :) But we wish you a very merry Christmas anyway...
I just wanted to share these pics of Hunter wearing his winter hat. So stinkin' cute. And what makes it even more special is that all three of the boys have worn that hat.
And I love these pictures of him in Brian's lap with his paci and nite-nite. He loves those things so much, and I know it's probably about time to take the pacifier away, but I can't do it. So we will be waiting for that. Until he's two...which I know what you're thinking~ it will be even harder to take it away then. I know, I know...but I'm willing to deal with that later.
He's also getting into the spirit of Christmas by being the little drummer boy. Brian introduced him to the fun of banging pots and pans with wooden spoons. What a joyous noise he makes. :) Wow. my bottom right tooth. :) Yes, Harrison FINALLY lost his first tooth last Sunday. It was a huge deal in our house, because he has waited so patiently while all of his friends lost their teeth first. He was determined for it to come out, and it was ready, so it came out pretty easy. And the visit from the Tooth Fairy brought him a dollar the next day, so he already working on wiggling out the next one.
Hud had his first choir concert in preschool last week. Although he was singing "Mary Had a Baby" at the top of his lungs all morning at home, he decided not to share his musical talent with the audience later that day. :) He did, however, do a little dance up on the stage, and looked super cute, so what can you say, really...
Sorry this is getting posted so late, but better late than never, I guess. We had a great Thanksgiving~ spent that day at Mimi and Papa's house, and then the following Sunday had dinner at Nana's. It was great all around. I hate it that Thanksgiving seems to get passed over or rushed through in order to get to the mad dash that we call Christmas (which I also wish was done differently, but that's another story for another time). I've always loved Thanksgiving, because it is so important to stop and think about all the things we do have to be thankful for. And even though Texas is not known for it's beautiful fall colors, the pumpkins and changing trees do make me happy, and get me in the spirit of the season. Here are a few things that I have been thankful for this year:
1. I know this is a given, but I am so incredibly thankful for those four very special men in my life. Being queen of the house is, for the most part, a very sweet place to be. 2. I'm so glad that I have my mom, dad, sisters, and in-laws nearby. Family support is so often taken for granted, and I don't know how we would make it without them~ their help with the kids, the advice and wisdom they offer, and the time they take to be with us. So very special, and very much appreciated. 3. I'm thankful for the incredible store I was able to work at this year. Recollections is my happy place, my home away from home, and the girls there have become my second family. As sad as I am that we are closing next year, I am choosing to be thankful for the incredible experience I have had there, for the opportunity to create things and teach others how to do the same, and for the friendships I have formed that I know will last forever. I haven't really let myself think about what I'm going to do when the store is gone, because it's really hard to imagine, but I am trusting that it will be okay, and am excited about other doors God will open as a result. 4. My church family...especially our Sunday Morning Bible Study class. I have realized even more these past few months how incredibly caring, compassionate, and thoughtful these people are. After my surgery in October, meals were brought over for nearly 3 weeks, friends came to help me with the kiddos when my mom was unable to (which, btw, my mom practically lived with us those first few weeks, taking care of the kids, making sure I rested, did laundry, cleaned, etc, etc, etc.), and people that I don't even really know were constantly stopping me to ask how I was feeling and to let me know they have been praying. Wow.
It's been a good year, and with all the stress of busyness, bills, and other not so fun stuff, it's good to be reminded of how very blessed we are. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving too!
Wife. Mom. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Follower of Jesus. Event and Social Media Assistant at Jennifer Rothschild Ministries. Decorator. Aspiring writer. Passionate about finding the good.
Parenthood, Gilmore Girls, This Is Us, and The Middle are my must-see TV list. Pretty sure that any life situation can relate back to either an episode of Friends or Seinfeld.
Love mornings on our back porch and reading in a super-hot bath. I'm a Texas girl who's been transplanted to Georgia...then Missouri. Coffee drinker. Baseball fan. Target is my happy place. 12 years of being in the ministry has taught me a lot... striving to live an authentic life that points others to Jesus.
My B
Brian, is my darling, scary-smart, outdoorsy, extremely patient, sometimes serious, always forgiving, incredibly good-looking husband. We met on my first day of college, and he is truly my first love.
The oldest of my three H's...the fiercely independent 10th grader who loves playing baseball and memorizing any and all sports facts is constantly eating, super smart, always talking, and incredibly thoughtful. He takes his role as the biggest brother very seriously, and his little brothers both think he is pretty fantastic. We all do.
The middle H...the sweetest 7th grader who loves being a stud left tackle on the football field and is a master video gamer, is our amazingly intuitive, techno-savvy, constantly caring, seriously stubborn, super funny, dimpled-cheeked second born.
Our youngest H...this one is obsessed with playing guitar, Nerf, hunting, Minecraft, and all things camo, is a happy-go-lucky, super sweet, incredibly mischievous, major cuddling 4th grader. He rocks his role as the baby of the family, and is proof that God's ways are always better than ours.
Henry the Wonder Dog
The 6th member of the Hatcher family, this guy is loved by all. He's the dog that made me a dog person, and I'm crazy about the gentle beast he is. His favorites include cheezits, chicken biscuits, bones, his stuffed duck named Marvin, and anything that we are eating.