This morning at 3:45 am, my Momo passed away. She had been fighting a brain tumor for a few months, and fought it to the very end. Right now I'm still trying to process everything, but I am thankful that she doesn't have to fight anymore, that she isn't in pain, that she is now fully whole and new, and as I type this, I know she is in the presence of our Lord and Savior. It gives me chills, and makes me smile, even though I am grieving her loss and missing her terribly. I know that my Dandy must be so thrilled to have her back, and the thought of the two of them reunited in heaven brings me more comfort than I can describe.
My Momo was an incredible grandmother. She was always there, never missed an important event, even if that meant driving across the country to be there. She was always so good to talk to, and I knew I could talk to her about absolutely anything without worry of judgement. She was very open about things she had experienced, and incredibly wise in the advice she would give me. I will miss those talks.
My Momo was one of the strongest women I have ever known. I was amazed at how well she handled my Dandy's passing 2 1/2 years ago. Although she was never quite the same after he died (a big piece of her definitely died with him) she pulled herself together and went on with her life the best she knew how. She took on responsibilities that she had never had before with grace and determination. If I have an ounce of the strength she had, then I will be okay.
My Momo made the absolute best apple pie and blackberry cobbler there ever was, and every time I came for a visit or she came down here, there was always one waiting for me. I remember the first time I tried to make a cobbler, and I called her for the recipe. She wasn't sure of the measurements b/c she was so good that she was able to just throw it together without measuring. So instead she made one while we talked on the phone and told me the measurements as she went. I still have that piece of notebook paper with the recipe written down on it. I will always treasure that piece of paper. And I know that no matter how hard I try, I will probably never make one as good as hers. But I'll keep trying, and I know she'll be guiding me along the way.
My Momo and I shared a love for shopping. We both loved to shop for candles together, and no one else in the family seemed to love it like we did. There are certain scents that will forever remind me of her. I am thankful for that.
My Momo and I also shared a love for the sun. Not a healthy thing, that's for sure, but something we enjoyed. I'll never forget the summers we would spend in Kansas City, always with a trip to Oceans Of Fun, laying in the lazy river. And then, these past several years, laying by the pool at Bennett Spring State Park. I was looking forward to that with her this month.
My Momo was one of the most generous people I know. She was always giving me something, whether it was money for this or an outfit that she had bought for herself and later decided it was too young for her. I always secretly thought she used that excuse so I wouldn't feel guilty for taking it, because it all always looked great on her, but I don't know.
My Momo loved her great-grandsons, and called them her babies. It was always fun to call and tell her stories about what they were up to. She was a great audience for all of their antics. I'm thankful that Harrison will remember, and hopeful that Hudson will. I know Hunter won't, so I have lots of stories to tell those boys about both her and their Dandy that they can carry in their hearts. She called Hudson "Hank" because he reminded her so much of Dandy. We will have to keep that nickname going.
My Momo was funny, loving, affectionate. She was thoughtful, honest, and sincere. She loved the Lord and wasn't ashamed to share Him with others. She has been a constant presence in my life, and I'm not quite sure how I will go on without her. But there is peace in knowing where she is, and that I will see her again. I will do whatever I can to honor her memory here on earth.