Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Day at Casa

Today I had the sweet privilege of getting to chaperon these two cuties on their very first field trip. My H2 is a big fan of little Miss P (who also happens to the daughter of one of my best friends), and was thrilled to have her as a partner. He was SO thrilled, in fact, that he planted a big kiss right on her when we got to the theatre. Sheesh. She didn't seem too bothered by it, but just giggled and said that he does that a lot. Really?!? All of that prompted a quick discussion between H2 and me, and then we went into the theatre for the show. I can assure you there was no more kissing from my middle man after that. Wow.

Doesn't he look so cute sitting there? I think so. :)

And she is definitely a cutie too. :)
The show was fun, the kids all loved it and laughed hard,
and everybody arrived safe and sound back to school.
A good day.

Monday, March 30, 2009

More Tiny Things....

...or at least, things for tiny people. These are some "First Year" scalloped books I made for the same client that ordered the onesies. There is a page for each month of a baby's first year...great for tracking how much they change so very quickly, all in one place. I did this in the boys' scrapbooks, and they are still my favorite pages to look at. These are fun though, b/c they can be set out as decoration in a nursery too.

A boyish one...stars and polka dots in blues, greens, and browns
This girly one is my favorite...I love this paper!

Another girly one...

And a cute zoo-themed one too!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tiny Tees

One of my favorite clients ordered these from me a few weeks ago, and I'm finally getting around to posting this before I deliver them to her on Sunday. Thought you might want to see something new I'm trying...looks like I'm branching out past the world of paper. :)
You know how partial I am to boy stuff,
but I think the car and the elephant are pretty stinkin' cute!

Of course, the girl stuff is fun too!
I have these (and more) designs available...post a comment if you're interested!

Sweet Victory

Tonight was the first game of the season and it was greatness.
The Astros beat the Yankees 16-2! Go Astros!
Here's H1's first at bat~ he hit a single the first time, then a triple, then another single. And as I watched this team play, I got a little emotional. Crazy? Maybe I am a little...but it was so fun to watch this team come together for the second season, and to watch them "get" what it means to play as a team. They worked together, talked each other through plays, high-fived (and even hugged, though they will probably all deny it later) as the game went on. It was a great start to what we all hope to be a great season.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Astro Season Has Arrived

Ahhh...my favorite time of year. I LOVE Spring, and I love baseball, and have been so excited about H1's team starting back up this year. Last spring he started his first year playing coach pitch, and this year he's on the same team with most of the same kids (some moved up to kid pitch, a couple didn't return), and we've added some new team members, and it looks like it's going to be a great season. I didn't ever expect that I would be one of those moms...you know, the ones that get competitive, are yelling and cheering from the stands, etc. etc. But I am one of those...in a nice way. You don't have to worry about me embarrassing anybody by getting thrown out of a game or anything, but I'm all about seeing them through to a first place championship this year, and I'm pretty sure they are good enough to pull it off.
But enough about that...it'll be fun no matter how the season goes.
I'm just glad he loves the sport too.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Handy Dandy Notebook

We spent the ENTIRE DAY at the mall yesterday, and the boys did amazingly well. We got lots of shopping done for summer clothes for them, and for me and Brian, which was really great! When we got home, H3 asked to watch Blue's Clues right away. I turned it on for him and got busy putting stuff away. Brian stopped me after a couple of minutes and asked me to look at H3. It took me a second to catch on, but then I realized what he was doing. He had gone to find a notebook and crayon so he could write down his clues. :) Smart baby.

Super Slugger

I took H2 to t-ball practice on Tuesday night, and it was so fun watching him! 4 year olds playing baseball is priceless. They all get really excited about getting to hit the ball, but put them in the outfield and it's nothing but somersaults and picking dandelions.

It's really fun getting to watch him doing big boy stuff. He's been so patient watching his big brother get to do everything...and now it's finally his turn. And speaking of his big brother, I am going to one of H1's practices this week, so I'll post some pics of him soon!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break~ Day One

We're so excited that Amanda and the girls are in town this week! Today they came over and we just hung out at the house...I love how they are always able to just pick back up right where they left off. They make a great little 6-pack, don't you think?
Miss A and H3 posing for a quick pic

Little Miss M...looks JUST like her mama!

Terrible photo quality on this one, but here is H2 and Miss M.

And here is little miss E...is she just a little snuggly ball of happy, or what? :)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Our Italian Heritage

A few weeks ago H1 and I were having a conversation about my Italian grandmother, and I was explaining to him that b/c she was full italian, Papa was half, I was 1/4, he was 1/8, etc. He apparently filed that one away for later use, and I completely forgot about it.

So the other day H1 and H3 were watching Blue's Clues. H1 started laughing and repeating something that Mr. Salt (a french salt shaker character on the show, if you aren't familiar) said, in a pretty impressive french accent.

I commented to him that I thought he had a great french accent. He looked at me in all seriousness and replied, "Well, I am 1/8 Italian."

??? Yeah, I'm confused too. But it made me laugh hard anyway. :)

Mickey Mouse and Mohawks

It's been awhile since I've blogged, so I thought I'd put a little something on here so you know we're still alive. :) This has been the craziest week I've had in awhile...I'm really glad Spring Break is here~ we all need some down time.

Hud came up with this Mickey Mouse made out of a wiffle ball and some tinker toys, and I thought it was super creative! Maybe he's got some of his mama's crafty gene? I think so! And in this pic he had fixed his hair all by himself...kind of a swoopy spike. ;)

I never get enough of bathtub mohawks! H3's are especially fun 'cause his hair is kinda long. Sweet baby!

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Dog Named Blue

I think it's fair to say that this puppy is Hunter's first love...today a special package arrived for the Hatcher family. My Aunt Becky sent our birthday cards (how I love stretching a birthday all the way to March~ thanks, Aunt!), and also had a couple of extra things that she had found for Hunter. He is obsessed these days with all things Blue's Clues...he sure loves that little girl dog very much, if you can't tell from the picture. There were also a couple of books that he doesn'thave, so he was SO VERY EXCITED. :) This stuffed Blue sings and talks, and is very cute. The second I handed her to Hunter, he planted this kiss right on her nose, and then promptly marched over to the couch, sat her next to him, and asked to watch Blue.

Aunt Becky, it is definitely a hit! Thank you so much!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

There's just something about this song...

...the one you're hearing right now. It has reached in and grabbed my heart like no other song has in quite some time. I LOVE it when God uses music to get my attention, to remind me that He's here, to teach me something. And that is exactly what He has done with this song, "By Your Side" by a group called Tenth Avenue North. They are quickly becoming one of my favorite bands. We have already made plans to go the the MercyMe concert next month, and I found out the other day that this band will be performing there too. One more reason to make sure we go.

Monday, March 2, 2009

First T-Ball Practice

I know he's mine and I'm biased, but I'm pretty sure it
doesn't get much cuter than this little guy in his baseball gear. What do you think?


There is no question that these two love each other very much.
And no, I have no idea why H isn't wearing a shirt. :)

So Tired

This is how we found H tonight at about 8:30. :) Poor kid had a big weekend, and he was wiped out. His first skateboarding party (for his friend, Griffin) was yesterday, up early to head to church with Brian this morning, then he got to hang out with Garrett this afternoon while I got my hair done...fun, fun. :)