Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas!!
Hope you have a very merry Christmas~ I'll be back with plenty of stuff to share in the new year!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Rockstar Heaven and Other Stuff
This kiddo was in heaven.
So was this one. Playing, wearing the cool hat too. He's past due for a haircut~ but he asked me to make sure he gets to keep his sideburns. ;) Apparently he's starting to have an opinion about his hair. Thankfully I love his sideburns too.
Harrison is 3 months into guitar lessons, and is doing great! He played "Jingle Bells" for us the other day, and rocked it. :) Uncle Todd taught his a couple new chords while we were visiting too.
Love this one of Mom and Reagan. Don't know why Beth was hiding behind them. Weirdo. ;)
One with my hubs...playing with photobucket a little....kinda like the old photo look.
And this is one of my favorite photos from our week in Texas. Love those two boys very much.
Hunter loves hanging out with his Uncle Jon too. They are good snugglers, and share a love for playing games on Jon's phone. :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thanksgiving, Part Two
Hunter loves to lay down and drive his trains, cars, anything with wheels. :)
Harrison and Papa enjoying a pre-Thanksgiving dinner sucker. 'Cause that's what they needed.
The girls (we're so outnumbered.) :)
More lovebirds. :)
And some more lovebirds. There's all kinds of love here. ;)
And the whole big family. Happiness.
Thinking about making this my new profile pic of Facebook. What do you think? ;) Haha.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving, Part One
All of the cousins together...I think they all look like they could be brothers. (Photos taken by Leslie Hatcher)
Nothing like a good card game with family on Thanksgiving. We played (and played and played) Toy Story 3 UNO. It rocked. :)
And what would be a visit to Nana's house without some Wii time? Gotta love the Wii. :) Hunter has been playing so much lately that he smoked his older cousins in severalgames. Made me giggle. ;)
I love this photo of Nana and Erik. So sweet.
Ummm...time to eat? ;) Bring it on.
A turkey coma hit Mike pretty hard. ;)
More Toy Story UNO....
And by some miracle, we got a family picture where everyone looks good and happy at the same time. Love it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Stream of Consciousness
I have? Hmm...must have forgotten. :)
Today was parent-teacher conference day at the boys' school. Thankfully they were uneventful. Both boys are doing great academically, socially....huge blessings. And because of the conferences, today and tomorrow are half days. Which I love. Today I treated the boys to McDonald's for lunch. Which is a restaurant I had banned. Too many disturbing reports on the food quality, and I just can't stand the thought of that food digesting (or not) in their tummies. But I gave in today, with the understanding that it would be a VERY long time before that happens again. And as a reward (hard for me to think of it that way, but they certainly do) for their awesome teacher reports. They understand my issue, and were just happy to get to go, and THRILLED that it happened to fall while MegaMind toys were in their Happy Meals.
Yesterday Hunter and I met some new friends for lunch and to play. We have SO much fun with them. So fun. Jenny and I just click, have similar interests (including a love for leopard print and decorating, especially at Christmas) and our boys are the same ages. Hers are 3 and 4, and Hunter falls right in the middle. And they play well, and are always so excited to see each other. I'm loving it. And no, that wasn't a McDonald's reference. ;)
Halloween weekend was Hud's last football game of the season. :( We're all a little sad about it. Loved his team, the coach, the parents of all the players...and most of all loved watching him figure this sport out and develop a love for it. He's begging to play tackle football instead of touch next year. *gulp* We're going to have to see about that...thankful we have a whole year to decide. So happy that Reagan and Mimi got to see one of his games.
Have I ever mentioned that there are some OLD (like, Civil War old) cemetaries near our neighborhood? One of the really cool things about living in the South, I suppose. I love to walk up there and read the that weird? Sounds creepy, probably, but I find it fascinating read the names, how long the people lived, how many family members are buried together. Always blown away by how many babies there are. Breaks my heart....I get lost in thinking about the parents and how devastated they must have been, and start imagining their story in my head. Is that weird? Probably. ;) Once when my parents were here my Dad found a headstone belonging to a Confederate soldier. Amazing, huh?
Saturday, November 6, 2010
(Over) Achievers
On Friday Hudson was given the "Student of the Month" award for his class. His sweet teacher talked about why she chose him, mentioning his generous heart and sweet spirit as a couple of the reasons during Praise and Worship.
I mean, look at that face. Does it get any sweeter? I think not. :) It is so, SO good to see him adjusting so well at school.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Funny and Scary...and Really Fun
From the first time I asked the boys what they wanted to be, Hud was the only who had his mind set. He wanted to be Mario. Real bad. Not too much later Hunter decided on Toadhead. Or Mushroom Dude, as I like to call it. Harrison had a harder time....he's getting older, and wanted to be something more "Halloweenie." :) Finally decided on a vampire. I know, I're probably rolling your eyes and thinking I talked him into that. I absolutely did not. I wanted him to be Teen Wolf, but I guess considering he didn't grow up in the 80's like I did, he had no idea how cool that was. ;) So, vampire it was.
I have to admit it was kinda fun doing his hair and face paint (makeup?) and stuff. I wish I had recorded what was going on with this picture~ Harrison had no idea that Brian was standing there with those googly glasses on....about scared him to death. Cracked me up.
And the toadhead....oh my. We used Brian's Patriots hard hat as a base, and just covered it with felt and stuffed it with tissue paper. It was heavy on his punkin head...he kept getting off balance, then it would fall over his eyes, he would walk sideways....hilarious. :)
The boys with some of our neighbors...have I mentioned how much I love our neighbors? :)
So, SO happy my mom an sister were here this weekend...can't imagine having Halloween without them. Thankful I didn'thave to. We've had the best visit. So thankful.
Party People
A vampire and a this a kid after my own heart, or what? ;)
Hud also chose a vampire (I PROMISE I had nothing to do with that choice...tried to get him to choose a pumpkin), and the clowns made him a red light saber. He was pumped. :)
Hunter and Daddy. Isn't he dreamy? ;)
A little frightening.
Then last night we had a little block party. It was SOOOO fun. Everyone pitched in with food, games, face-painting, crafts, a scavenger hunt. Greatness. This is Harrison and Hud with our next door neighbor.
My little Harry Potter with the ghost he made.
How about them Rangers? Love them.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Spooky House Returns...again
First, Daddy builds the house.
Then the boys decorate it. And show amazing restraint by not eating all the candy. Mostly because they know there will be plenty left for them to eat after the decorating is over. :)
And....we're done. Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Elections and Field Trips
After the speech I headed out for a field trip with this one... a pumpkin farm. It's actually a Christmas Tree farm, not too far from where we live.
Very cool.
We went on a hayride....(check out the little farmer here)
...fed goats....
....and picked pumpkins.
Isn't his class cute? :)
They really are. Cute, I mean. And silly. And incredibly well-behaved.
This weekend is getting off to a great start. :)