Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

He makes me laugh.
He is still my baby...who doesn't look much like a baby anymore.
He's got me wrapped around his little finger....

Incredibly headstrong for being the youngest of three brothers.
He can definitely hold his own, which is kind of fun to watch. ;)
He loves Toy Story (esp. Buzz) and Cars, trains and riding his tricycle.
He gives the sweetest kisses, and often asks me to "Hold you,"to which I happily oblige.
He still loves his nite-nite and his paci
(I know, I's way past time for it to go. Not in a huge hurry right now).
He loves to play on his "puter" (computer) and listen to "newski" (music).
He loves to crawl into bed with us at night. I love the snuggle time in the morning. :)
He is a fun, fun, funny kid.
Happy birthday to you, little man.
You are loved so very much!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Wrapping Up Christmas
sorry buddy, but you know I have to do it. :)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Christmas Morning
He has wanted a Nintendo DSi for I don't know how long. Thankfully, Santa came through this year, and Mom and Dad took care of a couple games to get him started. Amazing how the older they get, the smaller and more expensive their gifts get.
My clever husband printed out a picture of his own face, cut it out, and taped it over Edward's face. I have always said that Brian is my Edward.... ;)
I had no idea that was coming, and as you can see it made me laugh hard. :o)
Hudson was equally as excited about his DS, and thrilled that it was red, which is his current favorite color. I love how easy it is to please these three, and how very excited they get about everything, from the big gifts to the candy in their stockings.
And my "biggest boy" ;) was pumped about his new Wii fishing game. These boys sure do love a video game.
So happy that Mimi and Papa came over to enjoy Christmas morning with us!
It wasn't long before the tiny one was ready for some down time. Thanks to Mimi and Papa, he is now decked out in Toy Story blankets, pillows, etc. Happiness.