Saturday, September 18, 2010
He's Done It
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
This kiddo has LIVED in this costume for well over a week now. He's the third of our 3 to wear it. I love that. And I'm guessing that the love of all things superheros must be hard-wired into boys' DNA because with the exception of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy on SpongeBob, none of ours have really watched any of it. Interesting.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
3heart Designs

Basically....I'm back in business. And it feels great! Read on, my faithful blog friends.
This will continue to be my family blog~ the one that records the adventures in our world that my horrible memory will most certainly otherwise forget. :) 3hearts will focus on scrapbooking, decorating, and everything else that encompasses my part-time job that I have missed so much and am SO READY to get back to.
So, here we go. Thank you for joining me on this journey. :)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
You're Going Down
A little pre-game pep talk
Gearing up for the big game with his friend Will.
Hud scored a touchdown...a 30 yard touchdown. It was pretty awesome. I didn't have my camera ready for that, of course, but I did record him running this play. Such a proud mama. :)
Mid-game pep talk with his Daddy. I sooo wish you could have seen the pride beaming on B's face. Priceless. :)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
It's Coming!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
SpongeBob and Football
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I'm Gonna Miss This

Don't get me wrong....I mean, I know it's time. I know it's WAY past time.
I guess because he's my baby I just wanted to delay this last "changing from a baby into a big boy" milestone for just a little longer.And it just doesn't get much better than getting a paci kiss from this kiddo. And because he might have acquired my addictive personality, I kind of assumed taking it away would be a total nightmare.
How wrong I was. This kid is a champ.

He brought it to me and said I need to give it the babies.
My baby is growing up.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I recently read somewhere (another blog, I think) that a "good" mom lets her kids dress themselves. Don't really know if I agree with that or not. If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm kind of a control freak. And letting them go out in public like this kind of seems like child abuse to me. Hahaha...just kidding. But when we're just hanging around the house or playing outside, I have no problem letting them pick.
For school, church, and other public outings, I still lay out their clothes each night so they know what to put on in the morning.
Because if I don't, this is apparently what they will come up with on their own. :) Wow.
I guess I thought that after all these years of dressing them pretty darn cute (if I do say so myself) some sense of style would have soaked into their smart little heads. Looks like I'll be laying out their clothes for them for a long time to come. :)