Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Hope you're having a wonderful week! Been taking a little break from bloggy world...busy with school Christmas parties, Christmas shopping, visiting Santa (took two tries to actually see him, but whatever), making cookies, wrapping gifts, sitting in front of a fire with the get it. :)


Hope you have a very merry Christmas~ I'll be back with plenty of stuff to share in the new year!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Rockstar Heaven and Other Stuff

It's no secret that Hunter loves to play guitar. And he really loves when he gets to play with his Uncle Todd, who has lots of really cool guitars. And a cool hat too. :)

This kiddo was in heaven.

So was this one. Playing, wearing the cool hat too. He's past due for a haircut~ but he asked me to make sure he gets to keep his sideburns. ;) Apparently he's starting to have an opinion about his hair. Thankfully I love his sideburns too.


Harrison is 3 months into guitar lessons, and is doing great! He played "Jingle Bells" for us the other day, and rocked it. :) Uncle Todd taught his a couple new chords while we were visiting too.


Love this one of Mom and Reagan. Don't know why Beth was hiding behind them. Weirdo. ;)


One with my hubs...playing with photobucket a little....kinda like the old photo look.


And this is one of my favorite photos from our week in Texas. Love those two boys very much.


Hunter loves hanging out with his Uncle Jon too. They are good snugglers, and share a love for playing games on Jon's phone. :)
