Hi, there...remember me? I used to blog.
I still like to blog. Not sure exactly why I haven't been lately.
Oh well.
Even though it's well into November (crazy) and we're getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, making Christmas lists, and LOVING this cool weather, it seems just like yesterday (literally) that we were having Halloween fun.
The boys each carved a pumpkin and showed me their scariest faces.
You're scared, aren't you? ;)
This year's costumes were fun to put together:
One Hobo (thank you iCarly),
One escaped-from-prison bank robber who clearly hasn't learned his lesson. ;)
Hud likes to take walks on the wild side....I felt the need to stress that this is pretend. Lol!
And a Smurf. :) Hunter Smurf, to be exact.
There's about a million reasons that I love our neighborhood....it really does feel like something out of tv, or at least my dreams....tree-lined streets, tons of kids playing outside, people stopping to talk to neighbors, neighborhood socials, and wonderful friends already made. Halloween doesn't disappoint either....the entire neighborhood turned out for trick-or-treating together on Halloween. Here's a few of them:
Hunter and his buddy Aiden thought it would be fun to be Smurfs together.
They were right. ;)
And here's a random pic of my mom and me.
I'm not even sure who took it, but I miss her, so here you go.
And in HUGE, super exciting, wow-God-is-so-GOOD news....
there are two new members of our family.
I'm an aunt! Well, I guess I've been an aunt for years, but this time to kiddos on my side of the family....my sister and brother-in-law are adopting twins!

Yes, their names are Finn and Bailey. Yes they are perfect. And beautiful. And fun. And sweet. And very busy. And two-years-old. Who speak their own little language to each other, love Curious George, fruit snacks, reading books, their beds, hugging, chasing, and snuggling. :)
Until the adoption is finalized we can't post photos on any type of social media site, so this pic of the pillows and nite-nites I made for them will have to do for now. ;) Trust me, the second we can share them with the world, we will. I'm a super proud Aunt Jac. And their 3 H cousins (and Uncle B) are in love as well. Soon. :)
I got to travel home to TX last weekend to meet them and celebrate their arrival by throwing a shower for them with Mom and Beth. And I've been reflecting A LOT (about lots of things) but so that I don't get off track....I've been thinking a lot about God's timing, how AMAZING it is to watch Reagan and Jon be Mommy and Daddy, and how that this is not only an answer to prayer for them, but a dream come true for the twins as well. There is no question that these babies were rescued, and have been given a second chance at life.
It's hard to think about what their first two years were like. And really, we'll never know exactly what that was like for them. I don't like to think about it....I spent the weekend soaking up time with them, LOVING the chance to do for my sister what she has spent the past almost 11 years doing for me. I don't know what Finn and Bailey's life was like before, but I know what it is like now, and what lies ahead for them. There is more love than they know what to do with. And laughter. And playtime. Snuggling in to watch a movie. Playing chase with Papa, just like my boys like to do. When they get older there will be baking with Mimi as well. Bath and bedtime routines that involve super cozy beds with story times and rocking before they are hugged, kissed, prayed with, and tucked in safe. Things that we do on a daily basis without giving much thought to, but have given these two a strong sense of security rather quickly.
Exactly what they need, and are now thriving because of it.
I look back on the past few years that my sister and brother-in-law struggled to start a family. We didn't understand then what God was up to, but we understand now. :) He knew that there were two babies out there who were going to need a new family. And he knew that Reagan and Jon were just exactly what they were going to need. And I when I listen to Reagan talk about how amazing it is to be a mommy, and how they were so worth the wait, I'm thankful for the reminder that God's plan is so much better than we could ever hope or imagine, and is definitely worth waiting for.