Where has this month gone? Really, I have no idea. It's been a whirlwind around here. A whirlwind of what? Really couldn't tell you that either. Busy with life, I guess. And cleaning, and reorganizing, going through boxes of clothes for spring and summer, figuring out what fits who, who needs what, etc. Reorganizing the garage with the hubs, buying new tires for the car...you know, really exciting and glamorous stuff like that. ;)
Oh, and I bought this frame too. Which, in my opinion, is pretty exciting.
Because I love it...not nearly as much as I love those three who are framed inside it, but I have to say that when I found this frame in this fab little gift shop at the mall, it was indeed
love at first sight. :)
And now I'm happy to report...our mantle is finally complete. I know, I know...you were losing sleep over it too, right? haha. :)
But here is a little glimpse of what we've been up to this month...
Harrison was asked to act in a USO-style show at church. It was so fun! He did a great job with his part as a great-grandson named Charley. I loved getting to sit back and watch him in action, doing something he LOVES, that seems to come really naturally to him. It was an amazing show...I'm so blown away by the talent that is at our church. I got lost in the music that night, watching the people who were playing the Andrews Sisters, Patsy Cline, Bing Crosby, Doris Day, etc...and of course, Bob Hope. Hilarious. Amazing. And so thankful we get to be here to see what is happening and play a small part in it.

Hudson was picked to be Star Student of the Week for his class this week. Which we didn't discover until last night when I was going through the boys' Friday folders. Oops. I made a mental note to check folders ON Friday instead of Sunday night from now on, as I pulled Hudson out of bed (thankfully he wasn't asleep yet) and we quickly colored and drew pictures and filled in all the blanks on this poster. We had fun though, and it turned out great in spite of our frantic rush to finish it. And now I'm anxiously expecting my "Mom of the Year" award to arrive any day now. ;) Geez.
March marks one year since we moved and made Georgia our new home. I really can't believe how fast it has gone. And I can't help but reflect on how much has changed in a year. How much I've changed in a year. I'm both humbled and thankful for how God has taken care of us here. He's provided new friendships, and new families here to be our "Georgia family"....not replacing in any way the family and friends back home, of course, but adding to the people He has already blessed us so incredibly with. It blows me away. Of course I still get homesick, but am thankful that we've been able to make pretty frequent visits back home, and that our family and friends have made so much effort to get out here to see us too. And I've learned to make the most of the time we get together in a way I never thought about when we all lived close to each other.
I'm excited about what God is doing at church, and so very thrilled to get to be a part of what is happening there. And now that relationships are getting stronger with people there, and it now feels like my church home...well, it's just very good.
And as you can see, I'm in my Pollyanna, everything-is-rainbows-and-butterflies mode. :) I dare anyone to steal my joy. Actually, I don't...those people need to leave me alone. ;)
My heart is full.