Fishin' for Crappie in Texas

Jaclyn was really great and let me go fishing for a while today. I headed out to Eagle Mountain Lake to a marina I frequent to fish off the docks. I didn't start out with a lot of luck. I kept losing minnows and missing fish. I even caught a drum at one point. I finally started fishing a lot more shallow and suddenly had a nice one take my line. I caught the Crappie above. It was right at 14 inches long. I don't have a scale so I couldn't weigh it. I would put it close to 2 pounds if not a little more. According to John, by the time we get to Bennett next year the fish will weigh 25 pounds and have taken me an hour to land after I finally reached shore because it pulled me into the water when it first stuck the minnow. I am thinking of having it mounted.
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