I am the Room Mom for Harrison's class this year, and it is so fun! The control-freak in me especially loves it~ I like knowing that the plates and everything will be cute, that all the food will get there, etc. I know, I know, things that aren't that important. I'm not proud of it. :) But it is fun getting to share that with Harrison~ I really like getting to sit back and watch him interact with his friends, and it's fun putting faces with all the names I hear about.
The Valentine's party was great~ a special thanks goes out to Brandon L. for bringing a balloon for everyone. I've made a mental note that one balloon per child equals one fabulously fun party! Things got so very crazy, but the kids had a total blast.
Harrison sits by a little girl named Brynna who is so stinkin' cute, and even sweeter than she is cute, if that is possible. When she opened Harrison's valentine, she read it, then looked at him and said, "Oh Harrison, thank you so much for my valentine. I love it." He turned about three shades of red, beamed, and said, "I'm glad you liked it." This is why I like to go to the parties. It's not very often that Harrison Hatcher gets embarrassed or shy about anything. :) On the way home that afternoon, I told Harrison that I thought Brynna was a nice little girl, and he said, "Yeah Mom, she is real nice, and pretty cute too. But I don't tell her that." Wow, here we go. :) Girls are starting to be not quite so yuck, and that scares this mom of three boys just a little. Or a lot.
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