This year it was a perfect day for our church's Eggstravaganza~ it's a big event at a park near the church. The boys had a great time and found lots of eggs, jumped in bounce houses, ate popcorn, etc. Happiness.
Hunter figured out the egg hunting thing right away. This is my favorite age for that~ there's no mad dash, no one getting trampled~ it's just a bunch of sweet little babies toddling around, carefully picking up one egg at a time. So sweet. When it was time for the three to five year olds, then came then madness. Hudson was not a fan of all that. He wanted me to hold him and help find eggs. Thank goodness for my friend Kecia, who watched Hunter for me (Brian was helping with the hunt, so I was on my own). Hud and I found some, and he had fun. Harrison, of course, had fun with his friends and loved having more freedom this year to play. They all had a great day, and wore themselves out just enough to take good naps when we got home. Happiness for all. :)
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