Today Brian took Harrison and Hudson to a "Hooked For Life" fishing event that our church sponsored. This was the first year that Hud got to go. I had a feeling that he would love fishing, and he did. That is something that definitely runs in the family (not from me) but Brian, my Dandy, Momo, Aunt Becky, Mikey, Uncle Mike...there is a big list of avid fisherpeople in my family. And now this generation is apparently not going to let the family down. :)
We are proud to announce that Hudson was the winner in the "Most Fish Caught" category, and Harrison won for "Biggest Fish Caught." So very exciting!
And exciting the day was. Not only did our boys win a couple of trophies, but Hudson took a nosedive into the pond while trying to feed the ducks. Thankfully, he's a pretty decent swimmer, and a HUGE thank you to Stacey Moore for jumping in to pull him out. I'm so glad I wasn't there to witness that~ I'm sure it would have taken at least 10 years off my life.
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