Well, we have made a couple of additions to our family that I swore would never happen. Meet Spike and Speedy, our new lizard friends. Speedy is the one in the picture, and Spike is hiding~ he's not real friendly. Yes, I said lizards, in an aquarium, in my living room. Wow. Am I embracing this mom of boys thing like a champ or what? :) The crazy thing is that I'm almost as fascinated with them as the boys are. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to hold them, and I definitely will not pull the worms out of the bowl every day to feed them (there are plenty of volunteers around who are more than happy to touch a worm), but I like to watch them.
This whole lizard thing started when Hudson was trying to catch one in our garage. I told Brian about it and he caught one at church and brought it home that day. The boys named him Spot, and less than 24 hours later, Hudson had an "accident" (code for he dropped his cage) and Spot was killed instantly. Very tragic in the life of a 3 year old. Brian couldn't stand how sad he was, so they hopped in the car, drove to PetSmart, and came back with Speedy. The next night Brian caught Spike outside on our front porch (why are we buying lizards if they are this easy to catch?), and so now we have two. Wow...
are you NUTS?! what a good mommy.