She's here! Tomi and Randy became the parents to a
beautiful baby girl last night at 10:57 pm. She weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces, and is 18 and 3/4 inches long. She has just the right amount of dark hair, and the prettiest little mouth. She is all kinds of yummy, that one. I was in such a hurry to get the hospital in time last night that I left without my camera, and therefore missed all kinds of GREAT photo opps. At about one o'clock this morning, the nurse brought her in so Tomi could hold her for a little bit, and it was so precious. I was so thankful that I stuck around for that, and that I didn't miss the chance to see her.
Because she is a month early, her lungs are not quite ready yet, so she will be spending a little bit of time in the NICU. Randy took my camera in there so that I could have a few pictures of this sweet baby girl. She is breathing on her own, but is on about 23% oxygen right now, and will be fine. She just needs a little time. Tomi and Randy are handling all of this like champs...they are tired, and would love nothing more than to have her in the room with them, but are trusting that it won't be long before that will happen. In the meantime we are keeping them company. :)
I can't explain the emotions that come with being on this side of things. I'm always a sap when it comes to babies, but it's different when it's a baby that belongs to someone I care about so much. Tomi has always been the friend that was there for the duration with the births of each of my boys, and it was so much fun to get to do the same for her last night. And to see Tomi at a place in her life where everything is right~ she has an incredible husband who adores her, and sweet, fun 12-year-old son, and now a precious baby girl that she and Randy will get to share. Tomi had to go through a lot of yuck to get to where she is today, so I get a little emotional now when I see her getting to experience things like this, the way they are meant to be...minus the whole NICU thing (I really wish we could have skipped that, but I know Sterling is going to be fine)...it's pretty incredible.
I will post more pictures soon...please pray that Sterling can move out of the NICU very soon!