I had no idea...he's usually the youngest one around. But today my sister brought over her nephew for a few minutes, and Hunter was so excited! He kept putting his head on Carter's head, and saying "baby, baby" over and over. It was very sweet...isn't it great to see your kids showing love to other people? For a fleeting moment I thought of how great it would have been to have had one more baby ourselves, so that he would get to be a big brother, but the moment quickly passed. You have to break the chain at some point. We're all good in the kiddo department around here. :)
On a different note, I saw a side of him I didn't expect to see this morning while we were at the dentist. Harry and Hud were getting their checkups, and we were waiting for them. There was another little boy about his age playing in the waiting area, and he wasn't real keen on sharing, b/c every time Hunter would try to play with him the brat would scream bloody murder. I fully expected Hunter Man to hold his own with that kid, but instead he came running to me with the saddest lip and eyes full of tears. So many emotions hit me at once: 1) sadness that he was treated that way, 2) thankfulness that he relied on me to save him from the bratty kid, and 3) surprise~ those of you who know Hunter well know he is as stubborn as he is sweet...I'm surprised he put up with that nonsense. He has two brothers who both protect him and also give him plenty of opportunities to learn how to hold his own, so I'm sure he'll figure it out soon enough. :) In the meantime, I perfectly happy with him running to the safety of my arms.
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