How did that happen?!? And how do I make it stop?
That also means that I have been a mommy for eight years. Seriously? Wow.

His main gift, and something he has been begging for for a couple of years now, was a skateboard (and all protective gear)...I'm having to let go of my fear of serious injury and just let him do his thing. It's time to accept the fact that with three boys, we're going to be making some trips to the ER. God help us. :)
Harrison buddy, being my first means being my guinea pig in so many ways...I know I haven't done everything right, but you are an amazing kid nonetheless. I'll never forget the first time I held you and realized that I was a Mommy. That I was your Mommy. Then the worry and fear that came with you getting sick and spending your first night with us in the NICU. Then the unexplainable relief when I got to hold you again, knowing you were going to be okay.
It was then that I knew love on a whole new level,
and knew that I would never be the same.
And it's been the best thing ever.
I look at you and see so much of me, some of your dad, a lot of your Papa...I never thought I would have a blonde-haired boy, and I love it. I love your smile, I love your independence, I'm proud of your intelligence...and after seeing "Hotel For Dogs" with you today, I was reminded of how much I love your heart. At the end when things got a little sad before the super happy ending, I looked at you and caught you wiping away tears, and then caught you smiling as things worked out just as we hoped they would. I hope you always stay just like this. :)
So happy birthday, H. Know how very loved you are by all of us.
We can't wait to see what this year holds for you.
Happy Birthday Harrison! Love the skateboard pics! He looks like a natural :)