And really, could he be any cuter? I don't think so, either. ;)
He told me last night that he was really nervous about singing in front of everybody, and we had a good long talk about it. Apparently all of my wisdom (ha!) worked, or he just got over it (more likely) because he got up there and sang and danced his little heart out!
Couldn't help but get teary when he accepted his diploma.
How is it possible that he can look so big, yet so little at the same time?
Can you tell we are super proud of this guy? :)
His Aunt Reagan was there, and he was so happy to see her!
I LOVE this one of him with his Mimi too!
And here he is with "his girl" (according to them), Paige. They are pretty cute, I have to say.
And last, with his teachers, Mrs. Becca and Miss Abby. We have all LOVED these two so much! They have been great with our H2, and have gone above and beyond to make his Pre-K year so special! For that we are so very thankful, and will miss them next year!

How is it possible that he can look so big, yet so little at the same time?

This sweet boy has grown up and changed SO MUCH this year, it is hard to believe. It seems impossible that he will start kindergarten in the fall...not sure what to think about that, so I'm just not. Summer, here we come!
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