Yes. Even after three days of what were supposed to filled with family time, loving on my husband, good eating, and a date night to see New Moon (hey, he hasn't seen it yet!) but instead were filled with way more vomit than anyone should have to deal with. Not at all what I wanted for our first visit together since he started his new job. He got it first, then me (one hour before we were supposed to leave for our date night), and then poor Hud man. So far (knock on wood) H1 and H3 haven't gotten it. I sure hope it stays that way. Not fun at all.
So I was sitting here after sending Brian off to the airport this afternoon, trying to come up with things to be thankful for. It wasn't easy at first b/c I was angry about how the past few days had gone, and sad that he had just left. But, because Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, I made myself come up with something. And it was way easier than I thought it would be. :)
1) I'm thankful that I have a husband who is also my best friend, someone who I am still crazy-mad-nuts over, 14+ years after the day I first laid eyes on him. I plan on being that way for the rest of our lives together, and don't ever want to get used to being apart.
2) I'm thankful that while he is there and we are here that I get this extra time with my family and friends. I plan to have lots of fun and spend lots of time together for as long as we are still living here.
3) I'm thankful that even though these past few days were kind of miserable, at least we were together to take care of each other. Can't imagine him being sick and alone or me being sick and trying to take care of 3 kiddos. So there's that.
4) I'm thankful that he has a new job that he loves that provides well for us, and that he has a job at all. With the economy being the way it is right now, that's not something to take lightly.
5) I'm thankful that the boys seem to totally understand that this is tough, and have been so good, sweet, and helpful.
6 and last) I'm thankful that my Love will be home in just 5 days!
Happy Thanksgiving...hope yours was full of great things to be thankful for!
And, because it's nearly impossible for me
to write a post without including a photo
(and I didn't take a single pic at Thanksgiving)...

Here is one of the boys in front of our little Charlie Brown-ish tree. It just might be my favorite tree we've ever had.
And if you notice there on the left, Eli the Elf is sitting in the tree, enjoying day 2 of keeping an eye on those 3 sitting below him. :)
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