Last weekend the big boys and I hopped on a plane and headed east to spend the weekend with Brian. It was hard leaving Hunter behind here, but believe me when I say he didn't miss us one bit. He was partyin' it up with Aunt Reagan and Uncle Jon. You can also believe me when I say that
he was one spoiled rotten kiddo when we returned Sunday night. ;)
Thankful he had so much fun and was so loved and well taken care of.
The plan this weekend was mostly to show the boys where we would be moving so they can picture where their Daddy is and know a little more about what is ahead. Mostly, however, the plan was just to be together and have some fun, which was exactly what we did. Started off the weekend w/ a trip to Build-a-Bear, something we had never done before. As you can see, neither one of them built a bear~ Hud made a cat he named Furry, Harrison a dog he named Harry. Hud is way attached to that cat~ Harrison, not so much. He's probably getting a little old for this sort of thing, but b/c we have never done it I'm glad he got the chance to.
We ate out LOTS, which the boys thought was fantastic. Chili's is one of their favorite places to eat. We also hit Chic-fil-a a couple times, Domino's at the airport....needless to say, I've been eating nothing but Lean Cuisines all week. ;)
Brian and I were both very proud of how well the boys handled trying out our new church. They even wanted to go to Sunday School after service, which honestly surprised me. I thought they would be too nervous. They both said they had a great time and love their new church. Whew.
We saw the Princess and the Frog and loved it. Well, the boys and I did. :) Daddy tolerated it with a smile on his face.
We looked at a few different neighborhoods in the town
we are planning on living in and found one we love. Still lots of looking to do though.
All in all, a really great weekend. Leaving Brian behind stunk, of course. We all four cried~ fun times. But we are adjusting to this new, temporary way of life and are making the most of the time we get together, while soaking up every bit of time with the ones we love here at home in the meantime.
Jaclyn, your family of boys are just precious! And YOU are just stunning! So happy you had a fun time and the boys were excited about FBC Atlanta. Kate made the same puppy at Build A Bear that Harrison did and 'her' name is 'Charky'. Will be praying your Texas house sells SOON!!