It's snowing. In Texas. Do you have any idea how weird that is?
What's even weirder is that it's not the first time it's done this so far this season.
The good news is that the boys got out of school early today and are out again tomorrow.
The bad news is that Brian is stuck without a flight home (he was supposed to be here in the morning, and we're all bummed) but will hopefully be here Saturday afternoon.
I think it added the perfect finishing touch. :)
Do you know how hard it is to get three boys who are super excited about the snow to stop at the same time and smile for the camera? Impossible, at least for me. ;)
After about an hour of playing outside, we were completely numb, so we headed inside for hot baths, grilled cheese sandwiches, and then snow ice cream.
This was our first time to make this, and it was yummy, and super easy:
1) Collect snow in a large bowl (I set ours out in the morning so it would fill up throughout the day)
2) Add one cup of sugar and 1 TBS of vanilla and stir
3) Add up to 2 cups of milk until you get the desired consistency you want.
4) We added chocolate syrup and sprinkles to ours, and it was yummy!
Don't eat the yellow snow!