....or Resurrection Sunday. At least, that's what we prefer to focus on. Bunnies are fun and all, but not at all what this weekend is about. Our first Easter weekend in our new home went really well~ spent the morning at church, then enjoyed a late lunch with a new friend. We really missed our Texas family,
but were able to enjoy a relaxing day.
H1 went to church early with Brian, so I didn't get the pic of all three of them until after church. Was really hoping to get one of all five of us (needing it for our new address cards) but that didn't happen. Love the way this one turned out though....with all the love in this pic, it's hard to believe these three ever fuss and fight with each other, huh? Never. ;)
Can't believe how grown up this one is getting....he was super proud of that tie. ;)

These two have become pretty tight the past few months. I think Hud is starting to see that Hunter's not a baby anymore, and is a pretty fun guy to play with.
On Saturday we went to an Easter egg hunt that was at the church. Hunter begged to ride the ponies....he was relentless about it, actually. So he and I went and stood in the line and he was SOOOO excited....until it was his turn. ;) Then he got nervous, I got peed on by the lovely pony pictured above (YUCK), and I was really wondering why in the world we ever thought this was a good idea. Until the pony started to walk, and Hunter started to laugh, thinking it was fantastic. ALMOST worth getting peed on. The pedicure I got later that day made up for it. Made me feel better, anyway. ;)
Harrison's post-hunt pic~ with a mouthful of evidence to prove it.
Hud's pre-hunt pic....love that sweet face.

Hunter enjoying the "fruits of his hunt," to quote his daddy. :)
That baby LOVES chocolate.
We hope you had a very happy Easter! We are thankful for a Savior who was willing to give His life to save ours, who loves us with a powerful love that we will can't even begin to really comprehend. It's our prayer that you too know the peace that comes from the love of our Lord.
"In Him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of His glory. And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession~
to the praise of His glory." Ephesians 1:11-14
What a beautiful post. Love the pics of the boys - they are growing up so fast into handsome boys. Hunter looks so old! Happy belated Easter to you all.