....is how we spent our Friday afternoon. At least, that's how it felt. We were actually at an aquarium. And it was amazing. We had heard that it was a must see, and since we had our nephew in town, we thought maybe we should check it out. It didn't disappoint. For the most part, I mean. It was REALLY crowded that day, which was kind of a bummer, but we made the best of it and saw some really great stuff.
so I guess it's good to pop in here every once in awhile.
My sweet hubs taking a pic of with his iPhone. Those fish were so beautiful....oranges and pinks and turquoise and yellow....proof that God has an amazing imagination. :)
This pic is kind of freaky....looks like my babies are about to get eating by that shark swimming our way. *shudder* ;) Thankful he was behind some really thick, strong acrylic, giving us the opportunity to get this close.
And this is my favorite pic of the day....and I almost didn't get it. Pretty cool, huh? :)
Happy Hud. :) Our resident Dr. Doolittle was totally in his element here.
This place was so cool.

One area had a hands-on exhibit. Hud liked getting to touch the starfish and sea urchins. Hunter liked playing in the water, Harrison (the ever-cautious one) wanted no part of that. :)
Really, he was happy all day too, except for this one photo when he wanted to be hanging out with his cousin instead of posing for a pic. He didn't understand that I couldn't force Austin to be in the pictures, but I most certainly could make him.
Mean mom. ;)
So...we definitely give the Georgia Aquarium two thumbs up.
So...we definitely give the Georgia Aquarium two thumbs up.
If it was more affordable for a big family like ours we would probably go a lot.
I am going to look into getting season passes....seems like the way to go, and something we all really enjoyed. Can't wait to go back on a day when it's not crowded so we can really make a day out of it and chill with the fish. :)