Today my middle man came home from school
with his first homework project of the year.
A family project~ we're all supposed to contribute to
decorating this apple however we want to.
My kind of project. :)
When I asked Hud how he wanted to decorate it,
he said he wanted to draw a picture of his family.
Apparently, he is very happy with his spot in the family. The psychology-lover in me gets really excited about this kind of stuff~ I believe that kids reveal A LOT about how they feel about things through drawing. It's clear that our Hud feels very secure and loved, and that makes this mom's heart very happy. And while I worry that by being the middle kid means he sometimes gets lost in the shuffle, and his more laid-back personality at times gets overshadowed by his slightly *ahem* higher-maintenance brothers, maybe I'm worrying for nothing. I worry about a lot of things.....have I mentioned that before? ;)
I'm so proud of him~ he's reading like a champ and is a math whiz.
Now, if only his mom would get on the ball and finish teaching him how to tie his shoes.....
I think it's going to be a great year. ;)
I love the picture and that baby. He is so special! I had to laugh though at how the littlest H is a little farther out of the group:) At least he's in the picture:)