Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday


Each year, as I get older, I tend to reflect even more on the magnitude of this day. On what my Savior did for me. What He did for all of us. And I try to express these feelings, the emotions inside in just the right way...and realize that being thankful doesn't even begin to cover it.

I don't usually have music on this blog...used to, but realized that not everyone shares my taste in music, and sometimes I think it's a distraction, so I took my playlist down. But this weekend I'm going to keep this song playing again and again. I'm a huge Chris Tomlin fan...the Lord has used his music time and time again to minister to my heart. But I had never heard this song until last week when Harrison's grade did a performance of the life of Christ at school. It blew me away. This song, "The Mighty Power of the Cross" is the last song of the three included in their performance, and the two times I've seen it, well....there is no getting away without some tears being shed. And that's okay. It's good.

Growing up, and after I accepted Jesus as my Savior and asked him to be Lord of my life, I had a hard time understanding why today is called "Good Friday." Thinking about the gravity of what this day entailed for Jesus, how He had to suffer for us, so that we wouldn't have to...well, it's just more than my brain can handle, and there didn't seem to be anything but horrible and sad about it. But the older I get, the more I understand that Jesus did this for the greater "good," knowing full well what was going to happen on the third day, the day we celebrate His resurrection, and the promise that He will come back for us some day.

And so we honor this day, thanking Him for what He did for us....knowing that being thankful is never going to be enough, but because of God's great love for us, it somehow still is.

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