Well, we finally made it to the castle. :) This was the trip of all trips that I had dreamed about taking the boys on since before they were all even born. I couldn't wait to introduce them to the magic that you can only find at that place. And now that we're in a stage of life that is past required naps and diaper changes, we decided it was time to go. :)
Thankfully, it didn't disappoint.
So, why is the title word, "vacation" in quotes, you ask?
Because now that we're back home, I'm more exhausted than I've been in a very long time.
To quote a sweet friend, I'm "happily exhausted." Yes indeed. So while it wasn't the restful, relaxing kind of vacation a person would usually ask for, it was happy and wonderful just the same. But it looks like I'll be taking naps and going to bed early for awhile until I recover. ;)
The official family in front of the castle picture. ;) No, I have no idea what Hunter was doing. But this is the best we could get. ;)
Our first day at Magic Kingdom, in matching Mickey shirts. ;) I promised them I would only do that to them one day. And no, Brian and I didn't wear them. Just these 3. I do have my limits. ;)
Why is Hud hugging that giant Coke bottle? Pretty sure that it was because it was SO HOT, and this bottle was actually a cooling station, and quickly became Hud's new best friend.
Have I mentioned how insanely hot it was? Still not over that yet. ;)
But rest assured...we didn't let it ruin our fun.
Ice cream and popscicle treats helped us beat the heat as well. Yummo. :)
We happened to schedule our trip the same time that Disney had scheduled a Star Wars weekend at Hollywood Studios. The boys were in heaven...esp. Hunter, who is in a major Star Wars phase right now. He couldn't believe he got to meet a REAL Storm Trooper. ;)
And of course, our trip wouldn't be complete without some time with the Mouse. :)
This is one of my favorite photos from the whole trip. If only Hunter had been in it too, it would have been perfect. :) But no worries.....
...he was right here in the stroller. :)
Not your traditional Mickey ears...we went with the R2D2, Pirate Mickey, and Pirate Goofy variety instead.
Character breakfast at our hotel....including Mickey-shaped waffles and everything.
It was so much fun having some friends there with us that week too. We got to celebrate LeeAnn's birthday, and spend some time getting to know that sweet baby boy too. So fun!
Riding on the carousel....
Date night with the hubs...looking smokin' hot in his Star Tours 3D glasses. ;)
(another benefit to having friends with you on vacation~ childcare sharing!)
(another benefit to having friends with you on vacation~ childcare sharing!)
We loved Star Tours so much that we brought the boys back to try it too. Again and again. This was definitely one of their favorites.

Even the sprinkles were Mickey Mouse! Crazy. And fun. :)
Even the sprinkles were Mickey Mouse! Crazy. And fun. :)
Harrison makes a pretty good photographer. :)
See? ;) I love these 4 so very much.
We wised up pretty quickly and learned that spending time at the parks in the morning, then spending lunch and the afternoon at the hotel to rest and swim, then going back to the parks in the evenings after it cooled off and the crowds thinned out was the way to go. The boys LoVeD the pool....B and I did too. :)
I think this was taken the day before we headed back home. This one was having a rough morning. ;) Awesome bedhead.
So...there's our trip in a very tiny nutshell. I think I took about 400 photos total. So yes...it's a very tiny shell. ;) I'm excited about getting to scrapbook this trip...we were so busy and on the go pretty much the entire week~ afraid we were going to miss something, I suppose. Makes me extra thankful that I took as many photos as I did.
The boys' favorite part of the week?
Harrison: "riding the Aerosmith Rockin' Rollercoaster!" (It was amazing)
Hud:" Star Tours....and the pool." ;)
Hunter: "Toy Story Mania (my favorite too!) and all the Star Wars things."
So happy you all got to go! It's a trip I really hope we get to do as a family one day too. It is a truly magical place.
ReplyDeleteOh how fun!! We are surprising the Stocksen kiddos with a trip to Disneyland and Legoland Land California in late July. Jim wanted to do this to celebrate his upcoming 60th birthday in the Fall. So glad Harrison wasn't too old for Disney fun. We were a tad worried if Cole woudl like it but now I have no worries at all!
ReplyDeleteHow fun! Can't wait to take our boys. Hope you share your creativity as you scrap your Disney experience.