I was not prepared for this to happen this week at all, and thought we had another six months before the time came to move Hunter to a big bed, but I was wrong. On Monday he climbed out of his crib and hit his head (he has a nice bump and carpet burn on his forehead now), which sent this mom into a panic, knowing full well that once he's tried anything once, NOTHING will stop him from doing it again.
So off we went to pickup a mattress and bedding (thankfully we already had the furniture), and prepared ourselves for this transition. I really think he's too little to be sleeping in this bed, but I'm more scared of him falling again and really hurting himself...so here we are.
Night #1 was a nightmare. Up and down all night, LOTS of crying (sometimes him, sometimes me, lol), and very little sleep for either one of us. Last night was better. I fully expect tonight to go much better (wishful thinking, I know). One thing is for sure~ he's super proud of this bed, and wants no part of his crib anymore...but doesn't he look tiny sitting in that bed?
Those Hatcher boys could be the cutest kids in the history of the world! Looking forward to seeing you guys in November, just a few weeks away!