Time to give an update on the Craft Room. I just might have the best husband ever~ for so many reasons, but most recently for getting my (our) room painted and the shelves up so super fast. It's very blue, I know, and I love it. Makes it cheerful and happy...I can't wait to get in there and work now. This is exactly what I needed.
While out with Tomi on Sunday I found these black polka dot sheer panels, and decided they were a must-have. I still need to make some kind of valance (I'm thinking maybe zebra-print with some funky red trim to go across the top, but we'll see. Still lots of decorating, finishing the boys' art corner (the desk has been repainted, but not moved back in yet), etc. etc. But it's coming along, and I'm loving it very much...feeling so very inspired...
i especially love the sponge bob trash can.