Thursday, April 30, 2009

My (Not So) Glamorous Life

In case any of you were thinking that this mom of three boys
(the self-entitled "Queen of the household") was living a super glamorous,
mess-free life over here in our humble abode, think again.

Indeed, it is anything but that. Take a peek, for instance, at what (or rather, who) I got to clean up this afternoon after a mere 30 minutes of playing in the yard
(that was pretty dry, except for the sandbox~ oops).
Lucky for him, he's pretty cute, and I happily toted his mud-covered body to the tub. :) And wow, did he have fun. Now, please excuse me..I'm off to scrub a very dirty bathtub.
Glamorous? Definitely. :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our Little Author

This afternoon H2 asked for some paper and markers so that he could "color a story." Awhile later he called me into the kitchen so he could show me his finished product. He went on to show me each page he had colored, telling me the story of "The Missing Puppy." It is a very cute story about how I couldn't find our dog, Addy, so I went to the dog store to find a new black puppy. :)

Can't quite explain the emotions and pride I feel when my middle man does these kind of things (which are often these days, and that is awesome). Just a year and a half ago, after some testing was done by a speech therapist, we were told that he was speaking at a 10% intelligible rate. He had chronic ear infections as a baby, that affected his hearing, and had delayed his speech. I was so worried and upset, but the therapist assured me that this was common, and very fixable. He began speech therapy immediately, and now is at a 80% intelligible rate. His therapist (and his family) are THRILLED with his progress. He is progressing rapidly, and doing so well. He's such a smart, creative kid, and we're so thankful that he now able to vocalize all of the wonderful thoughts and ideas he has in that sweet punkin head of his. :)

Catching Up...

I was uploading some photos today and realized that I had forgotten about a few of them...just thought I would play catch up real quick. I was a terrible mother Easter weekend, and didn't take a single picture (I've never done that before...really don't know what happened to me). I did, however, remember my camera for H1's Easter party at school a couple weeks ago, so at least there's that. And if you can't tell, he was really diggin' that green cupcake. Wow.
This was his favorite egg of the ones he found.

Here is H1 with his friend, K. K lives close by, and moved here last fall, and the two have quickly become good friends. They have a great time together!

We have been loving the Spring weather! H2 moved up to a bigger bike, and is loving it!

And here is H3 in his "happy place," with nite-nite, paci, and watching Blue.
It doesn't get any better than that for my littlest guy.

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Mom of Three Boys

I feel the need to share this with my blog readers (all 9 of you~ ha!). It's something that I've been kicking around in my brain over the past couple of months, trying to figure out why I feel the way I do about this, why I'm overly sensitive about the subject, and what kind of mom I want to be as result. So here goes.

God knew (WAY before I did) that I would someday be the mom to three little boys. Growing up I thought I would have a boy, and then two little girls. There was a reason for that thinking~ I wanted a big brother so badly growing up, but also loved having my two sisters, so this seemed like the best of both worlds. And I guess I thought I had some kind of control over the future~ really Jac? Not sure when I'm gonna surrender my control-freak ways...just know that I'm aware of how I am, and God and I are working on it. Daily. Thank goodness He's not finished with me yet. :)

So, when over 8 years ago (hard to believe) we found out that the first little punkin I was carrying around in my tummy was indeed a boy, I smugly thought, "Yep, just as I thought it would be," and went about preparing to be a mom of a little boy. And it was love at first sight when my first H entered the world. I had zero experience in the world of boys, but felt no fear about this new adventure (besides the normal new baby fears~ what if I drop him? what if I break him? what if he's crying and I can't fix it? etc.), only wonder and awe at the fact that I got to raise this little guy into a big man. That God would trust me (and Brian, of course) with this huge task. I was ready.

Then, three years later, we found out that the second little punkin I was carrying around in my tummy was ALSO a boy. "What?" I remember thinking. "This wasn't how I planned it!" Honestly, I wasn't disappointed about the news, just incredibly thankful for a baby (we had miscarried a few months before conceiving him, and that changed my perspective on LOTS of things), but confused just the same. A mom of two boys? I would certainly have my hands full.

Once again, when my second H entered the world, it was love at first sight. And this time around I was a more relaxed mommy, wasn't as concerned about following every detail of my parenting books, and just went with my instincts, which I must say are pretty good. I was made to be a mom, that's one thing I know for sure (the only thing about myself I am really ever sure about). My H2 brought in a whole different side of "Boydom." Where H1 was content to sit and watch Blue's Clues, sit and color with me, and very eager to please his mommy (typical first born stuff), H2 had a different agenda. He was full speed ahead, had zero interest in coloring or watching tv, and happily destroyed H1's neatly lined up Hot Wheels, his block tower, whatever. He embraced his role as little brother with all kinds of seriousness. He was also incredibly sweet and very snuggly (I think there were times, and still are, that he would crawl right back inside me if he were given the option). And all of that made me was then that I started to see that there wasn't a cookie cutter mold for a boy, and a different one for a girl. They are all two boys were like night and day. Sure, there are typical boy characteristics, and typical girl characteristics...but I know lots of boys and girls that don't fit into those cookie cutter descriptions either.

So then, after another miscarriage, and deciding that maybe God was trying to tell us our family was complete with the four of us...we found out we were expecting #3. And (do you see where this is going?) when I found out that this third little punkin I was carrying around in my tummy was also a BOY, that time I was upset. For about an hour. And I felt incredibly selfish and ungrateful for feeling that way. But it really wasn't about him being another boy, it was about knowing I would never know what it was like to have a girl. I'm surprised I'm even confessing that here, because before today only Brian and my mom knew I felt that way. There was a part of me that wanted to do all the girly stuff~ the bows, the cute shoes, all the fun outfits, princess stuff, tea parties, etc. etc. But that didn't last very long, because I trusted that this third little guy was exactly what our family needed to be complete. And I trusted that God knew exactly what kind of mom He (in all His wisdom, that I definitely don't have) had created me to be. And things started changing in my heart, things I really can't explain. When that third little H entered our world, I felt complete. I knew what to do. I knew he was going to be different from his big brothers in amazing ways...that they were all three going to grow up to be three very special, very different, very loved men. And I got to be the one that got to be their Mama. And that is a privilege that I don't deserve, but that I'm thankful for every day.

So why am I telling you all this? I know this is a long post, so thanks for sticking with me. I'm getting to the point, I promise! :) I'm telling you this because even now, over two years since the birth of my third little man, I am STILL getting "Wow...three boys. You must have your hands full" and "Don't you wish you had gotten a girl in there?" and "Ok, where's the girl?" comments. All the time. And my patience is very quickly going away. And I don't always respond to those comments as a good Christian girl should. But I know these people don't get it, and that's okay. Because I do.

It is coming full circle for me now, two years later. Last week as I was walking with the two younger H's to pick the big one up from school, we were stomping ant piles (one of our favorite pastimes). As we were watching those furious ants scurry around to rebuild what we had destroyed, I found that I was enjoying the boyish destruction as much as they were. I will admit, however, that the sensitive girl in me did think about how we were destroying what those little ants had worked so hard to build, and that we had to respect that, and I tried to share that with the boys, but they were too busy looking for the next pile to stomp on. Oh well. It was during that time that I realized that I was made for this. I like boy stuff. I like baseball, and hot wheels, and playdoh, I'm not afraid of dirt or bugs. Clowns? Well they are another story for another day. But not only can I handle the boy stuff, I love it.

SO...I am thankful for the privilege of raising these three little guys into (I hope) strong, caring, amazing men. I get to teach them what girls like, and how a boy should treat a girl, and how to be amazing husbands (like their Daddy is to me). Someday, they will each meet the girl of their dreams, and I will inherit three beautiful daughters. That I didn't have to raise! Hooray! :)

Is my life chaotic? Yep. Is it loud? Uh-huh. Does the dirt make me crazy? Sometimes. Am I tired? Most of the time. Do I ever feel outnumbered? Absolutely. Is it hard being the only girl in the house? NO! It's great to be queen! :) Am I very, very loved? You have no idea how great it is, having the love of 3 little boys, and their very handsome Daddy. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


My friend, Patty Williams, has started a photography business (, and she's doing an amazing job. She called me last week to ask if I wanted her to take some pics of the boys with bluebonnets, to which I responded, "Absolutely." :) She did an excellent is the video she put together of them. I have to admit~ I was at the photo shoot, and the boys where ALL OVER THE PLACE, the whole time. I had no idea how they would turn out, b/c they did not make it easy. She truly has a gift, because WOW...

*For some reason, I can't get it to show the full screen on this blog....not enough room or something, but you'll get the idea. :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

my house will be spotless.
There will be no dustbunnies in the corner.
There will be no Legos, Hot Wheels, or crayons
strewn all over the house.
There will be no crayon marks
of creative expression on the walls.
It will be very quiet,
and I will have lots of free time on my hands.
Time to go for a walk, or take a long bath, or watch
whatever I want to on tv, or read a book, or talk on the phone.
I will miss today.

So for today...
Today I will choose to not get too caught up in
the crumbs on the floor or the mess in the family room.
I will sing along to Blue's Clues,
I will laugh and snuggle,
I will happily help with homework,
I will smile at the loudness of three happy kids playing together.
I will be thankful for today,
Because someday,
I will miss this.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Opening Day, Rangers Style

For H1's birthday a few months ago, we told him that part of his present was to get to miss school and go to Opening Day to watch the Rangers first game of the season. We were all excited about this gift. Today was the big day, and it was greatness. :)

Our friend Breon (who works for the Rangers) helped us get some good seats.
We had a great view right over home plate.
The weather was chilly, but thankfully we were right in the sun, so we stayed warm.

I was so excited because former President George W. Bush threw out the first pitch. Unfortunately, b/c security was much tighter for this game, it took us awhile to get to our seats, and we missed. I heard, however, that he got a several-minutes-long standing ovation.
That makes my heart happy. :)

Baseball is really the only sport that I like. Big B loves it all,
but thankfully is a big Rangers fan too.
The love of this game runs deep for me...both sides of my family have several members who excelled at baseball, and love to watch it as well, so I guess it is no surprise that I feel the way I do about it. And it makes me smile when I see the love in the boys' eyes too, like I saw today. It blows my mind to watch H1 recall stats from last season, which player came in at which part of the season, who was new this season, who's playing for a different team this season, etc.
Makes my brain hurt, but impressive, nonetheless.
One of our favorite players, Josh Hamilton, up to bat.

This guy insisted on standing throughout almost the entire game.

H2's little legs could hardly keep up, so Daddy happily let him ride on his shoulders.
It was a great game...the Rangers won 9-1. Yay!

When we got back to the church (where Brian had left his car yesterday after church)
we were welcomed by a car completely covered in bird poop.
Not sure if we had made these birds mad or they just had a bad case of the bird flu, but YUCK.

Put Me In, Coach

Finally, after watching his big brother for two years and asking when it would be his turn,
H2 had his first t-ball game this past weekend.
It doesn't get much cuter than 4-year-olds playing baseball.
His first at bat...he hit the ball....then ran to third base. ;)
The first time he batted, anyway. After that, he was a pro. First base all the way. :)

So stinkin' cute, this little man.

The after game huddle. These guys are so to watch. :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

A Bunny House

Back in October I blogged about the Spooky House that we found at Target and made for Halloween. Last Friday while grocery shopping H2 pointed out that they now had a Bunny House, and that we there was no way we could leave the store without it. It was on sale too, so I couldn't pass it up. We all like putting those together.
As you can see from the pics, everyone helped...there were lots of busy hands putting this little house together. I personally love the big "H" that big B put on the back of the house. :)

There was lots of decorating, and lots of eating...thankfully there was plenty of extra candy in the packages, or we would have had a very sad little house. :)

Even little H3 hands pitched in...even though he had way more fun eating the icing!