Can't quite explain the emotions and pride I feel when my middle man does these kind of things (which are often these days, and that is awesome). Just a year and a half ago, after some testing was done by a speech therapist, we were told that he was speaking at a 10% intelligible rate. He had chronic ear infections as a baby, that affected his hearing, and had delayed his speech. I was so worried and upset, but the therapist assured me that this was common, and very fixable. He began speech therapy immediately, and now is at a 80% intelligible rate. His therapist (and his family) are THRILLED with his progress. He is progressing rapidly, and doing so well. He's such a smart, creative kid, and we're so thankful that he now able to vocalize all of the wonderful thoughts and ideas he has in that sweet punkin head of his. :)
Don't worry, Bryson was not intelligible until he started school. One day he just started speaking clearly.