For H1's birthday a few months ago, we told him that part of his present was to get to miss school and go to Opening Day to watch the Rangers first game of the season. We were all excited about this gift. Today was the big day, and it was greatness. :)

Our friend Breon (who works for the Rangers) helped us get some good seats.
We had a great view right over home plate.
The weather was chilly, but thankfully we were right in the sun, so we stayed warm.

I was so excited because former President George W. Bush threw out the first pitch. Unfortunately, b/c security was much tighter for this game, it took us awhile to get to our seats, and we missed. I heard, however, that he got a several-minutes-long standing ovation.
That makes my heart happy. :)

Baseball is really the only sport that I like. Big B loves it all,
but thankfully is a big Rangers fan too.
The love of this game runs deep for me...both sides of my family have several members who excelled at baseball, and love to watch it as well, so I guess it is no surprise that I feel the way I do about it. And it makes me smile when I see the love in the boys' eyes too, like I saw today. It blows my mind to watch H1 recall stats from last season, which player came in at which part of the season, who was new this season, who's playing for a different team this season, etc.
Makes my brain hurt, but impressive, nonetheless.

One of our favorite players, Josh Hamilton, up to bat.

This guy insisted on standing throughout almost the entire game.

H2's little legs could hardly keep up, so Daddy happily let him ride on his shoulders.
It was a great game...the Rangers won 9-1. Yay!

When we got back to the church (where Brian had left his car yesterday after church)
we were welcomed by a car completely covered in bird poop.
Not sure if we had made these birds mad or they just had a bad case of the bird flu, but YUCK.
Your pictures bring back many precious memories of baseball games with our boys... My husband coached both, and I was always the mom in "the hole," helping with the line-up! Seems like yesterday, as time slips by so quickly. I'd love your feedback on my book, The Pickle Man (Dreaming of the Majors), a story of two brothers love for each other& the game of baseball, based on 1 John 3:18-19 I know you'll identify with this story! It's available on Amazon and Barnes&Noble.com, and through my website--Have a blessed day! www.susanseeberholloran.com