We woke up this morning happy, rested, and ready for a new day. After taking our time getting ready, eating breakfast, and checking out the Lifeway Store here, we headed over to the mini golf course. But not before taking a quick family photo!

And maybe a goofy one of Hud and me!

Who needs toys? This kiddo is super content to push an empty stroller around all day.

Awww....how I love these two!

It's pretty interesting playing any sport when every person playing is super competitive, but we were surprisingly sweet and encouraging to each other! :)

Brian was our champ...big surprise, I know. Harrison and Hud were GREAT though. Me? I could use some practice. And Hunter took the game very seriously...until he got frustrated enough that he would just walk the ball to the hole and drop it in.
Wish that would have worked for me. ;)

This kiddo brought the phrase "Grip and Rip It!" to a whole new level. Wowza.
He has a powerful swing.

This was my favorite hole...I couldn't pass up the photo opp of the boys in the wagon. :)
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