Before we headed out to New Mexico, we made a stop at the Palo Duro Canyon. Isn't it beautiful?!
This picture makes my stomach hurt...I kept picturing one of the boys rolling down the hill, but they were very careful, and I was constantly nagging them to be careful.
Not my best trait, I know. I'm a paranoid mom.

They loved this cave, and would have spent the whole day in there if we had let them.

Expert climbers!

We weren't in the right shoes (except for Hunter) to do any real hiking and climbing. Some day, when they are older, we will make a trip back there to REALLY hike and camp. Today was just a quick trip.

If you can't tell by the look on his face, Hunter was not a fan of me putting him on this rock. ;)

King(s) of the world!
Now, on to Glorieta...
it looks like you guys are having a great time. Thanks for sharing the pics. Nothing like a real family vacation.