Yesterday was field day at the boys' new school. I love field day~ loved it when I was a kid, and love getting to watch the boys get out there and let loose, get a little competitive, and have some fun. The school had planned lots of fun things for them to do, including sack races, tug-of-war (Hud's favorite), and the carry-the-egg-on-the-spoon (I really don't know what it was called, if you can't tell) race, which was Harrison's favorite.
They are so much better at that than I was as a kid.
Super proud of them.
My favorite perk to having a minister husband. :)
Hunter was such a champ....he so wanted to get in the big middle of all the games, but sat there and watched the kids instead. Kind of pitiful, but he was happy.
Won't be long until he's having his first Field Day.
Harrison's favorite know, the egg carrying one. :)
"Please, can I just do one game? Please?"
And in case you're wondering, the boys hadn't started school in time to order field day shirts. The school tried to order for them, but the company had already deleted the print. I just ran to the store to get the right color so they would still match their classmates. :( Oh well. Next year.
Hud with some of his classmates and his teacher. She is so sweet. We really miss Mrs. Garcia from his old school, but are thankful for Mrs. Brown. She has helped him adjust quickly, and is a great kindergarten teacher.
This picture cracks me up~ we have a hippity hop at home, so he knew just what to do and was a champ in this race. :)
Another fun day, topped off with some shopping, Chick-fil-a for dinner, and playing at a really cool new park not far from our house.
Fun family day!
This looks so fun, my family is actually having our "1st Annual Spring Fling" next weekend, and we're going to have some of those same games!!!