Happiness is....
Double happiness. :)
No worries~ it was calf-deep water.
I was not at all prepared for the wetness. Apparently I underestimated the pull that a lake full of water would have on three little boys.
Thankful for airdrying and sunshine. :)
This look makes me smile.

He caught this one almost by accident. Saw the pole jerk when it was sitting against the fence. Thankful he caught his pole before it was launched into the water and ended up with this catfish.
I love watching him fish.
He's totally in his element, relaxed, at peace....makes my heart happy.
They really are.
They love her so very much, and they know she loves them too.
So thankful for her and the friendship we share.
We had such a great time together.
I loved getting to show her where we live, places we shop, my walking route, our church, etc.
There is nothing I can think of more special than the relationship of siblings. Nothing quite like a close family.I know your Mom and I have that kind of bond. I love you girls, Aunt Becky