Two milestones for my tiny man today. Who is actually becoming not-so-tiny way too quickly. Milestone #1: I registered Hunter for Pre-K today...which doesn't actually start until September, but we had to get him on the waiting list early in order to get the Mon-Wed-Fri schedule we're REALLY hoping to get. We'll see. :) Warning: I'm not going to handle his first day of school well. Really hard to believe my baby is getting so big. *Sigh*
Milestone #2: Hunter built his first real Lego set today.With some help from me, but it was remarkable seeing him build...I love watching those little fingers put the pieces together.
I love how I can practically see the little wheels turning in that punkin head of his as he figures out where all the pieces go. But my favorite part?
Man, I love this kid. :)
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