Monday, January 17, 2011


Today my littlest H is four.
At four he is funny, sweet, loves to aggitate his big brothers (and he's great at it) ;), ride his bike, build with Legos, play Wii Sports, rock out his guitar, and help me cook. He's tall and lean, with big green eyes. His hair is the darkest of the three boys, but still has a little blonde in it. Thanks to 3 years of (really) loving his paci, he sounds a little bit like Daffy Duck when he talks. :) It's really cute, but starting to go away as the little overbite he had is starting to close, you know, since he's big now and doesn't need that old paci anymore. ;)
He's my little buddy, and I can't help but think about how quickly it will be when he joins his big brothers at school. :( But for now I'm going to soak up every bit of preschool-hood that I can, and for today reflect back on his past birthdays, celebrating today's.

Third birthday party...he was going through a shy stage then (he's way over that now), and covered his eyes when we sang to him, finally uncovering them to blow out his candles.


TWO...Elmo party. This baby LOVES cake. Loves it. Definitely my kid. ;)


ONE...this is one of my favorite pictures of him EVER. Thankful for a talented photographer friend
who happily took party pics for me so we could just enjoy the party. Missing her this year.


January 17, 2007. His birthday.

After a short labor, he slipped into our world quickly, 3 weeks early. So quickly, that my doctor almost didn't make it in time. Thankful she did. And thankful I had the wisdom to cherish every moment of that day, remembering so many details, because I knew he would be my last, and I didn't want to forget a thing.


Thankful for this little guy, and how perfectly he completes our family. Happy birthday, Hunter are very, very loved.


  1. Happy Birthday Hunter! Has it really been four years? Darling photos, especially this years!

  2. I could listen to my sweet Hunter talk forever. He is so funny, loving, determined, curious, and just yummy! He makes me laugh out loud and I love that he is my grandson :)
