Friday, March 12, 2010

In just a couple weeks.....

....this will be the front door of our new home.

I'm really excited about having a front porch again (our old house didn't have much of one), and can't wait to plant flowers in the flower beds. I'm excited about sitting on that porch with Brian, watching the boys play outside.

I'm gearing up to make this new house our home....
and seeing this new phase of our world begin.

Cruisin' With Papa

It's been a little rainy here this week. Except for Tuesday.
Tuesday was beautiful, sunny, no wind, perfect.
The boys got to ride with Papa on his motorcycle.

Well, technically Hunter didn't ride. But he was a huge fan of revving that engine.
Loved it, and is still talking about it.
Hud has been fearless since the day he was born. Well, not literally the day, but you know what I mean. I'm pretty sure he would have attempted to drive it by himself if we would have let him. Which, of course, we didn't. :)

Harrison, the forever-safety-conscious first born, was very careful, and loved it as well.

We have had such a great time staying with Mimi and Papa these past few weeks...we've played, laughed, and enjoyed every second of it. So glad we've gotten to do this. :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Weekend in pictures
Hud sporting Mia's pink sunglasses....he is very secure in his manhood. ;)

All six! All looking happy....quite a feat. :)

These two are hilarious together....and very sweet too.
Hunter loves Baby Ella~ except when she wants to "play baby" with him, take away his paci, and then stick it back in his mouth. :) But even then, he still thinks she's pretty great.

These two are getting way too big...

Sweet babies.

....and the mamas. :) We had such a great time this weekend.
I'm so thankful for this girl, her family, our friendship.