Thursday, April 21, 2011

Impromptu Egg Hunt

This morning I told H3 that we were going to his brothers' school for the Easter service, and then we would go to their parties and egg hunts. Which led to this question:
"When is my class party, Mommy?" :(

I explained to him that we were going to a fun Easter egg hunt celebration at church on Saturday, and that NEXT year when he's in preschool he would have a party too.
That was good news, but there was still some sadness. ;) So we had our own little egg hunt this morning, in our family room. It stormed hard all night last night, so things are pretty soggy outside today.
He was a great egg finder, and of course I had to snap a few pics of our fun.
And then, in true Hunter form, he insisted that I have a turn. With pictures too. :)
A little blurry, maybe, but not bad for a 4 year old. :)
And then it was his turn again, and then mine, and then his, and then...well, you get the idea. ;)
I love this kid. Hard.
The boys are out of school tomorrow for Good Friday, and we will turn our attention off of egg hunts and such (as fun as that is!) and turn it instead to the reason we have so much to think about tomorrow, and so much to celebrate on Sunday! I will share our "Resurrection Bread" recipe, why we make this each year.
He is risen! He is risen indeed. :)

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