Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Gypsies. That would pretty much sum up the way we've lived this summer. :) It's been fun, it's been busy, it's been chock full of memories, and I've loved every minute of it. We've traveled from Nashville to Orlando to Texas, and now B and I are in North Carolina for a few days while the boys spend an extra week in Texas with family...work conference for him, relaxation time for me. Thankful I get to tag along. ;) And that the boys get some extra Texas time.

Our suitcases have spent the summer in our bedroom...no sense putting them back into the basement yet. Just unpack and repack, and head out again. I know one thing~ I'd never make it as a rock star. ;) And at the same time, this has been one of my very favorite summers EVER.

I've shared before that it has been really tough for us to be away from our family back in Texas. Even when you're doing exactly what you feel God has called you to do, there are still things that are hard. Being away from family and our friends back home (it will always be home) definitely tops the list....but God is faithful, and knows our hearts, and thankfully has provided ways for us to visit often. And for people to visit us often. It definitely makes it easier.
Here's a (somewhat) quick replay of our time there:
The boys with my dad and their birthday gift to him: a drawing of his tractor. They love the farm.

Hud opening his birthday gift from my parents...my mom passed down her iPod Touch. To say he was excited would be the understatement of the year. ;)

We spent A LOT of time swimming and hanging out at the pool. I love these 3 girls so very much.


It was hot. Really HOT. Thankful for cool swimming pools. And water squirters.

Aunt Beth and the tiny man.

I haven't seen this girl in a year and a half. Which is a year and a half TOO long. How very much I've missed her. And her girls. Love them like family...hopefully it won't be too long before we see them again.

All 6 of them picked up right where they left off...just like their moms did. :)

The super-cute, silly middle children. This photo defines them perfectly. ;)

I love the relationship these two have...only 10 months apart in age, and close from the get go. I love that they have memories reaching far back from when they were very little. Hope that continues for a very long time. :)
Hunter insisted on being in the photo. Harrison was less-than-thrilled. ;)

This is my cousin's baby....which would make him my cousin too. Or second cousin. Or first cousin once removed. Not sure, but he's family, and that's all that matters. ;)
He's darling, isn't he? And as sweet and happy as he is beautiful.

Have I mentioned that it was hot and we swam a lot? I haven't? That's weird. ;)Photobucket

Did I mention that Beth and Todd have chickens? I didn't? They do. And they're hilarious.

Did I mention that it was hot? Like, 105+ degrees hot? Not kidding. When we weren't swimming we were having things like slushees and frozen yogurt.

I'm crazy about my sisters. The older we get, the more fun we have. Let's face it...high school was touch and go. It's a wonder we all survived, with all the fighting over clothes and such. Hahaha...seriously, it doesn't get much better than spending time with them. Hoping the boys will be just as close to each other as I am to these two. Few people know me as well as they do....

...and nobody makes me laugh harder. ;) Except maybe my Dad. Guess it runs in the family.

Hi Mom. :)
How much I love her. Love our walks, our talks, and how she takes care of me, even now at 34. I'm blessed.
And that baby....yummy.

We ate lunch at a place called Mooyah...great burgers. And they had this giant red wipe erase board. The boys were ALL over that.
Harrison's drawing...pretty cool, huh? Mooyah actually re-tweeted this pic I posted on Twitter. Impressive, H. :)

And here's Hud with his bird in a tree drawing. Love it.

And Hunter with his self-portrait. Amazing likeness, right? ;)Photobucket

What can I say? They're artists. ;)

Ok...if I was to describe myself, the last words I would use would be funky, cool, or trendsetter.
Because I'm not. I'm more of comfortable, flip flops and jeans, play it safe kind of girl.
Who now is wearing a feather in her hair. ;)
I know...not like me at all. And I love it.
Looks like a brand new can of worms has just been opened. Watch out.

1 comment:

  1. I so want a feather!!! Yes, it is so HOT here in Texas...I am so glad to see that yall had a great time here at home...cant believe how bigh the H boys are!!!!
