Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's Coming!

Do you see it? See the red-ish orange leaves on our tree?
Fall. It's coming. It's my favorite time of the year. And I get more excited about decorating for Fall than I do about decorating for Christmas. Maybe because Fall leads into Christmas....not sure. All I do know is that there is something about pumpkins and leaves that makes me really happy and cozy on the inside. Wish I could go and put a sweatshirt on. Unfortunately, the 90 degree temps outside aren't allowing me to do that yet, so I'm just going to have to pretend for a couple more weeks. That's okay. Because it's coming. This tree promises that. :)
This is our kitchen table. Picked up this tray and the acorns, and the hemp table runner at Pottery Barn OUTLET (did you know such a thing existed? It's pretty fantastic), and everything else is just stuff I've had for awhile. Fun giving new life to it. And it's really great that each night at dinner I can just grab the entire tray and move it without disrupting the decorations and having to re-do them. Huge help.
I spent most of the morning fighting with this grapevine, trying to get it in just the right spots. That stuff is a beating to work with, but it screams "Fall" to me, so it was worth the fight. The pumpkins are from when I worked at Recollections....I made these for the class sample and got to co-teach the class, and then my fantastic boss let me keep them. I love them, and I really love the happy memories they remind me of from that special place.

What did Hunter do as I worked? He made up his own version of Veggie Tales with this little gourd and the pumpkins. Thankful on days like this that he has a fun imagination to keep him busy. He also watched way more tv than I usually least we've had a full week of active, non-tv things....takes away some of the mommy guilt for letting SpongeBob and Dora help me today. :)

And yes, I even did a Halloween area. I know it's early. But I was on a roll and just wanted to get it done. That jack-o-lantern is too fab to just be out for one month of the year. And I really love the boys' treat buckets (made by my very talented friend Trisha Louise)...they really need to get some time in the spotlight, don't you agree? ;)
Now, if this doesn't make you want to go pick a pumpkin, then nothing will. Happy Fall!


  1. LOVE that tray table decoration! I'm so going to try to make one just like it for my Fall dining table. You are very talented when it comes to decorating Jac!

  2. I love it ALL! Fall is my favorite too...makes me feel the same way...all warm and cozy and happy on the inside!
